Premiera 19.11.2016
PREMIERE: November 19, 2016
“The Jungle Book” is a new musical performed on the Nova Stage at ROMA Musical Theatre mainly for young audiences (children aged four an up).
This is a story of a boy nicknamed “Frog” who finds himself in a wild and merciless animal world ruled by ancient laws.
This modern adaptation of the Kipling’s novel serves as a unique chance to show how face difficulties and opportunities which arise when the children’s world meets the reality of the world of the so-called “adults”.
The musical tale uses multimedia and audience participation to address the age-old problem of stereotypes. It show the aduiences the dangers of the world and teaches even the youngest children to accept difference, without being pompous, pretentious and moralising. It shows that we can still be valued even though we are imperfect, and that we cannot remain indifferent when something bad, unfair or harmful happens. Anything can be a reason for someone to be rejected by the pack: they run too slowly, are too old, have a different skin tone, or are of different origin…
Can parental love and true friendship provide enough strength to rebuild the undermined self-esteem?
The authors and producers of the well-received and popular show “Adonis Has a Guest” invite you to take part in this wild adventure, which is also a funny tale told in a modern language.